SAMMIE ENTERTAINMENT present two vibrant artistes under its Label and management “YOMI SARS” and “K MOSCO”
YOMI SARS who real names are EKUDAYO ABAYOMI an active and currently serving Nigeria Police officer an assistant Superetendent of Police,whose love and passion for Music is beyond imagination
K MOSCO is a Nigerian based in Europe,his lyrical power and vocals are breath taken. ,as if that wasn’t enough has they both join forces with BASE LINE Act SKALES ,which we can say did justice to this tune “CRUSHING On YOU” produced,mixed and mastered by F MAJOR.
[easy_media_download url=”http://www.itunesng.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Yomi_Sars_-_Crushing_On_You_Ft_Skales_K_Mosco_iTunesNG.net.mp3″ text=”DOWNLOAD AUDIO” force_dl=”1″]
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