Download & Listen to J. Cole – False Prophets (Be Like This) (Kanye West Diss)
It’s Cole time. A new album of his, entitled 4 Your Eyez Only,appeared on iTunes yesterday with a December 9 release date. Then last night, he put out a new Tidal documentary called “Eyez” that proved the veracity of 4 Your Eyez Only, which will be his first project since 2014 Forest Hills Drive. New music, presumably from the album, can be heard in “Eyez,” and the documentary also includes a music video to a song that has been tentatively titled “False Prophets.” While riding the bus, Cole raps about a hip-hop star whom he used to look up to but has since let him down. Many fans have speculated that much of the song is directed at the Kanye West, who recently returned home from the hospital after suffering a mental breakdown due to exhaustion and high stress.
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J. Cole – False Prophets (Be Like This) (Kanye West Diss)
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