Download & Listen to Ademola – Mo Fe Be + Eko Lon Pe bi
Ademola ayodeji adegbeyeni is a Nigerian recording artiste,song writer and performer better known as ADEMOLA.
Making his debut to the industry with two hit singles “EKO LON PE BI” and “MO FE BE” which was produced by skilled music producer ZEALOT.
“EKO LON PE BI “is a song that everybody in Lagos can relate with most especially the street and also a song that will put you in a dancing mood. This will surely be all DJ’s favorite.
“MO FE BE” on the other hand is a soothing mid-tempo love song that will blow you away.
ADEMOLA shows his versatility on this songs and am sure his the next big thing in the industry.
DOWNLOAD Ademola – Eko Lon Pe bi
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